PH: (08) 8682 1226
F: (08) 8682 5866
Adelaide Place, Port Lincoln SA 5606

School Services

Bus Service

If you wish for your child to travel to and from school on the DECD country bus, please contact the Primary School on 8682 1544.

If you wish for your child to travel to and from school on the town bus, please contact the Tunarama Coachlines on 8682 4060.

Centrepay Facility

The Centrepay Facility can be used to have deductions taken out weekly or fortnightly to enable parents to pay for M&S Fees (School Fees), uniforms etc. Forms are available in the front office.

School Canteen

Children may order their lunches in the appropriate bags or by using the online Qkr! app. Lunch bags are placed in class boxes and taken to the Primary School by monitors at 9:15am every day.

Children are not able to purchase food from the Canteen at recess time.  Please send recess from home. Children are not permitted to go to the Canteen to buy food over the counter. Current price lists and lunch bags are available from the front Office, your child’s class teacher or online.

When children first begin school, they sometimes get recess and lunch confused. It is helpful to separate recess and lunch food. If the children can’t eat all of the food, we encourage them to take it home so that you can see what food has been consumed during the day.

In summer, a frozen flask of drink is appreciated by the children. We do not encourage children to bring sweets to school.

School Card Scheme

This scheme is administered by the DECD and provides financial assistance towards the cost of educational expenses for full-time students of low income families. Application forms will be sent with invoices for School Fees – Enquire at the school front office.

For enquires contact the school (8682 1226) or the School Card Section of DECD on Free Call 1800 672 758 or (08) 8226 1365, (08) 8226 0982 or (08) 8226 0931.

School Timetable

  • 8:30 am – Supervision of yard duty teacher begins.
  • 8:45 am – Resource Centre (Library) borrowing begins.
  • 9:00 am – School begins. All children are expected to be at school at this time.
  • 9:15 am – Lunch orders are sent to PLPS Canteen.
  • 9:30 am – Resource Centre borrowing ceases.
  • 10:50-11:00am  – Children eat recess under supervision.
  • 11:00-11:30am – Recess playtime.
  • 1:00 -1:10pm – Children eat lunch under supervision.
  • 1:10 – 1:40pm – Lunch playtime.

3:25pm – School finishes, bus children are supervised until the school bus leaves.

Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds during school time unless they have the written permission of their parents, or unless you call for them personally.

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