We believe that everyone who comes to the Port Lincoln Primary School has something special to offer.
This means that our school is a place where thinking, trialing, problem solving and decision making are encouraged and supported.
We develop the skills of inquiry and engage students in their learning.
- A creative, innovative, friendly and secure environment.
This means that our school is a place where cooperation and
sharing are modelled and the involvement of the whole school community
is directed towards improving outcomes for children.
- Learning, personal excellence, effort and quality of achievement.
This means that our school is a place where achievement is expected and acknowledged.
We take pride in achievement, effort and learning as an ongoing process.
- A learning environment, which is socially just.
This means that our school is a place where individual needs are
catered for and the right to self-expression is supported within an
agreed code of behaviour. We treat individuals fairly and everyone is
encouraged to participate fully and make the most of available
- Staff who work cooperatively and happily with students and
parents, and in doing so share pride in their school and its
- Children who enjoy learning and respect the rights of others.
- Parents who are actively involved in the life of the school and its decision making processes.
- Shared leadership reflecting the needs of the school, its community and responding positively to change.
- A positive public profile.